I’m pretty sure everyone noticed that more and more Asian porn videos are featured on porn sites on the web. This is definitely because there are more searches for Asian porn on the web and the big production houses have responded to the requests of the public. I’m personally not a big fan of Asian women, but I can’t say I haven’t dated a few Asian girls before.
My first experience with an Asian girl was actually when I was looking for sex on local hookup sites. I saw a girl I really liked physically but I didn’t even notice she was Asian because I could see only her body in the pictures. When we met, I realized she had an oriental heritage and I didn’t get excited about that, but because she was smoking hot and wanted to have sex with me.
A lot of my close friends have huge fantasies about Asian girls but can’t really describe what’s so special about them. Because of that, I decided to do a little research of my own and try to understand what’s so special about Asian chicks.
There Are A Lot Of Rumours About Asian Women Out There

When I was a bit younger, I heard tons of nasty rumors about Asian girls. All the rumors were sex-related but most of them didn’t make any sense! One of the rumors that I still hear, and mostly from guys who never had sex with an Asian girl is that they’re a lot tighter than other girls. This is absolutely idiotic and untrue! A girl’s ethnicity has absolutely nothing to do with how tight she is. This has no sense and is just a rumor people made up to justify their fetish towards Asian women.
Another rumor that’s still circulating is that Asian women are more flexible and prone to doing kinkier things than other women. This may be true, but I can’t say for sure. People probably think this because there’s something about Asian women that makes them look silent but sexually suggestive at the same time! Come to think about it, all the Asian girls I dated before were pretty submissive from the very beginning of our relationship. That’s actually the reason why we broke up every time.
I’m pretty sure that there are tons of other rumors about Asian girls out there, but the two I mentioned are definitely enough to make guys interested.
They’re Hard To Get
From my personal experience, Asian girls are the hardest to get. Even though I dated a few oriental girls before, I remember they were pretty stubborn in the beginning when I asked them out. A lot of my friends never even had the chance to date an Asian girl before so a lot of them turned to professional escorts. I’ve read a bunch of London escort reviews about Asian girls, and I found out that these girls really know how to provide a great experience!
When it comes to regular girls, they are definitely hard to get and for me personally, it becomes a challenge to start dating them. I’ve always been the kind of guy who craved things he couldn’t have and it was the same when it comes to girls.
Exotic Looks Are Not Everything
I’ve noticed that a higher percentage of men have “Asian fever” in places where there are not many Asian women. I can’t say that I have a fetish towards Asian girls but I do enjoy their exotic look!
What I assume is the main reason why a lot of men fantasize about Asian women is that there are so many assumptions when it comes to Asian ethnicity and culture. Whoever checked out Asian porn sites know that there are some really kinky things to see there and men usually assume that all Asian women are kinky like that.
